If you want to roll with the big boys of the Dot Com Industry, you need more than a flash introduction and a few animated gifs, both of which can seriously damage your web reputation if used improperly. In case you haven’t heard, your site needs to be real dynamic, real fast and I’m going to show you how to make that happen. Creating a dynamic website is actually not as complicated as it might sound, but before I get to the details let me give you a quick definition.
When people talk about a dynamic site they are generally referring to a webpage with content that is updated frequently. Yahoo.com is a perfect example. Everyday users can customize yahoo to view an ever changing list of articles, images, and streaming media. Members see what they want, when they want it, with a constant influx of new content to choose from. From a user’s perspective, this is just another cool yahoo feature, but to webmasters this functionality is an ingenious marketing tool.
Keeping your content fresh increases the probability of a viewers return. As a web entrepreneur your initial objective should be to identify a need within your target audience. Devise a strategy to fill that need and maintain an ongoing relationship with your viewers. The goal is to keep your members happy, but you also want them to come back for more.At this point you might be wondering, does that mean I have to update my site daily? Of course not! That would be great if you had the time, but most of us don’t and you don’t have to.
At the very least you should get in the habit of updating your site regularly and including ready-made dynamic functionality, better known as sticky content. Large online companies generally stay fresh by purchasing syndicated articles and media using online resources like isyndicate.com. Unfortunately high quality content comes at a high price. If you’re a small operation, this might not be the best solution for you. Consider also visiting the following sites, which promote free sticky content.
You can find a lot of interesting site add-ons, simply do your research, shop around, and utilize the content that best suits your site’s needs. Just be sure not to go sticky crazy! Like animated gifs, too much of a good thing tends to turn out bad. Add free sticky content tastefully and keep in mind that underneath all the fancy packaging, your viewers want to see quality and that’s the bottom line.LHenry
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