The Black Banner Rotator

Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts

Friday, February 06, 2009


Did you watch my videos?

Last year I wrote a ton of eBooks for web entrepreneurs and I learned two things along the way. On a positive note, it is great to know that my eBooks have helped so many of you understand the basics of web entrepreneurship and internet marketing. On a surprising note, I realized that in answering some questions, I opened up the flood gates to so many more.

A lot of you have asked me web / techie questions about blogging, building websites, marketing, networking, and the list goes on. Now some of these questions require more detail than I can give in an eBook and to be honest some of you just don't have the time to read through all my eBooks, so I have been working on a NEW Series of Web Basics Video tutorials. They are 15 to 30 minutes in length and you basically get to watch me as I do all the different things you are trying to figure out how to do online!

I already have a couple of videos for you to watch right now and of course my web coaching students always get to watch my videos first! But now everybody can watch, learn, and boost their web skills with my new video tutorials. Check them out and feel free to let me know what WebTechGurl tutorials you want to see.


Monday, June 09, 2008


Build Your Own Ning Network

My latest howto guide is Create Your Own Ningalicious Network.

Ning is an online service designed to help you create, customize, and share a social network. Though it is both easy and free for anyone to create their own ning network, I’ve noticed that many people have questions about using ning, adding features, and effectively building their own social networking communities. Having built two ning networks, with over a thousand members on each, I decided to create this guide as a way to share what I have learned and answer some of the most common questions about creating a network on ning.

The topics covered in this eBook include:

• What is
• Why Create a Ning Network?
• Setting up Your Ning Network
• Adding Cool Features to Your Ning Network
• The Benefits of Creating a Private Network
• Creating a Ning Network that People Love
• How to Promote Your Ning Network
• Creating a Ning Network with Active Members
• Making Money from Your Ning Network
• Monitoring Your Networks Growth
• My Top 5 Favorite Ning How-to Articles
• Need Help With Your Ning Network?
• What's your Ning Network?

Download Your Copy today

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